csv2ascii: display csv as ascii tables

OCTOBER 13, 2006

Having looked around for a while without success for something that would spit out csv files as ascii tables I decided to hack something together. The result is a small python script csv2ascii.py. It is currently fairly crude, for example it just truncates cell text which is too long, but I hope I’ll have some more time to improve it soon.


Suppose you had the following in a file called example.csv:



 $ ./csv2ascii.py example.csv

Would result in:

| YEAR |  PH  | RPH  |RPH_1 |LN_RPH|LN_RPH|  HH  |LN_HH |
| 1971 |7.8523|43.916|42.959|3.7822|3.7602|16185 |9.6918|
| 1972 |10.504|55.113|43.916|4.0093|3.7822|16397 |9.7048|